Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Word for 2015 - PAUSE

I have never picked a word for the year before. There are just too many and if I was going to pick one it had to be a really good one, or at least a good one for me. So, apparently this is the year.

Stop and think about the why before acting
Don't act simply to avoid the real issue
Don't act to one up or prove a point or be in control
With the right purpose
At the right time
For the right reason
In all areas of life

This is going to be a go with the flow kind of year. Not making any concrete plans or rigid promises. Ready to expand and explore and see where this year leads. Ready to try new things. Like drawing.

My daughter and I each received blank journals in our stockings for Christmas. She was half talking to herself when she said, "What should I use this for?" And I immediately replied, "Why don't you draw something everyday? If you do, I will." And our drawing journals began. I am much more of a doodler than drawer as you can see from these examples. I plan to stretch my drawing/art muscle throughout the year. I've already purchased colored pens and watercolors.

Ready to try new things. Like flute playing.

I played in high school, sold my flute at a yard sale long ago, and have regretted it ever since. The family gave me one for Christmas and a couple of days later, I found out from a fellow quilter that there is a community band in my area. Excited to stretch my music muscle.

Ready to explore new sewing projects.

Like this zombie Sew Together bag. I started this back in the fall and was super intimidated by all the zippers. I picked it up again a few days ago and finished it. It was worth it.

Look at all that storage. This one is going to my daughter. She is a big Walking Dead fan. Now she will have a place to store all the small things you need in preparation for the upcoming zombie apocalypse.

Ready to make more quilts. Do not be fooled by the new activities. Quilt making will always be near and dear. 

I have a number of color cards from back in the day when I owned a quilt shop. I couldn't just throw them away. They have REAL fabric on them. Recently, I pulled every last sample off the Moda Marbles card and started cutting squares, 1 3/4" squares to be exact. I'm not sure what this will become but it will definitely be full of color.

I don't have any new year's resolutions or schedules to blog a certain number of times a week or month. I do promise to share here all of the exciting things that remembering to PAUSE is going to bring to my year. It's always more fun to share.

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