
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Spell It With Moda Hangman Style

This is our third week with our Spell It With Moda project. Three more letters have been added as requested in last week's comments: I, H, and R. To help see what it says, here it is in more hangman style:

___  ___  ___  I  ___  ___  E

T H  ___  ___  E

___  S       ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___       T ___ E

___  ___  R  ___  ___

My teenage son pointed out that generally when you play hangman and someone asks for a letter, you give them ALL of that letter. That isn't what we are doing here. If you ask for it and there is one, I'll give you one. There may be more, but they won't show up until they are asked for again. And, since that wasn't clear, the letters that are complete on the quilt so far are S and T.

Keep those comments coming! It won't be too many more weeks before this quilt puzzle will be solved. Let's take a closer look at the fabric used in this week's letters. The fabric collection is Flow by Zen Chic. It should be available at your local quilt shop or favorite online shop in March.

We have an I in that yummy, grungy, pink.

I was an easy letter to make.

Next up, an inverse H. The color is the background and the letter is neutral. That pink makes me think of a relief map. You will see soon enough why some of the letters are made inverse and others are not.

Pretty letter H.

Our last letter for this week is R. The instructions for all of the letters are very well written. While an R has a lot more steps, it is still an easy one to make. It just takes a little longer.

Remember, if you'd like to make something of your own, the letters are available individually on Moda's Pinterest Board.

Or, if you want a quick resource with everything in one place, check out the Spell It With Fabric booklet available at many local quilt shops and online stores. I did a quick Google search and found some great resources for purchasing the booklet.

What letters should we try for next week?

Linking up with Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.


  1. I see, you're making this extra hard. :) I'd like to see an N for next week!

    1. I'm just trying to stretch out the fun a little longer. You will get an N next week. Thanks for playing.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I will make an H for next week. Thanks for playing!

  3. This is a super project, I always wanted to make a quilt with letters. I have to check Moda website for more information. Thanks for sharing! Barbora

  4. This is pretty doggone cool! I'm thinking there is another R floating around there somewhere.

    1. Yes, there is another R. You will see it next week! Thanks for playing.


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