
Monday, February 8, 2016

Quilts Inspired By Art: Goodbloom Week Two

This is our second week working with this art print by Goodbloom. Check out last week's post for an introduction to this month's project. I decided to go with a close replica for my first project. That meant I would be studying the piece closely so that other inspiration could hit while focusing on the details of the print. And other inspiration definitely hit. I'll show you the second project in progress after we talk about this one.

For the red, green, and yellow, I used the same fusible applique technique we learned last month. After printing the art in a 4x6 format, the shapes were easy to trace.

The next step is to press the fusible to the wrong side of the fabric.

I did a test run of the applique pieces. It looked a bit plain to me. At this point I decided to do the quilting before the applique.

I needed to give myself some quilting boundaries and this lid was the perfect size. I traced around it for each flower.

It took a bit to get into the rhythm of the design but once I got going it went quickly.

Now that all the black quilting is complete, it's time to add the applique pieces.

Since this is a piece that is not likely to be washed, I could have fused the pieces and called it finished, but I decided to go ahead and quilt them to be sure they would stay in place. Some neutral quilting in the background and some binding finished it off.

Here is a closer picture of the quilting. Wouldn't this be pretty with black seed beads instead of the free motion dots?

Another up close shot.

The finished piece is 6 inches by 8 inches or so. I like the center. I'm on the fence with my binding choice and I need more practice binding small projects. There are a couple of wavy spots but overall I am happy with it.

I was ready to dive right in to the second project once this one was finished.

Those black and white fabrics kept catching my eye. I was determined to include them. This next project is a little more traditional. I started by cutting 2 1/2 inch squares.

At first, I was attempting a more random design, but ended up moving to this very traditional trip around the world look. There was no red in the beginning either, but it definitely needed it. There are several different beige prints to keep it from being too boring and also because I did not have enough yardage of a single fabric. I thought the black and white stripes distracted from the overall quilt.

I like it much better with the more dominant black fabrics. No more stripes. The design is 10 squares by 11 squares so without borders it will be 20 inches by 22 inches. I will decide about a border after it is stitched together.

For next week I'm hoping to have this inspiration piece finished and hopefully have one more underway to share.

I hope you are enjoying this exploration of quilts inspired by art. I can't wait to see what next week brings!

Linking up with Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt and Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times. Also linking up with Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts.


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