
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you! I'm not big into resolutions, but I certainly enjoy spending time reflecting on the year that has passed, and thinking about what I want in the new year.

To start the year out, I've spent a bit of time spiffing up the blog this week. I asked my daughter what I could do to make my blog better and she told me that when she finds a blog that interests her, she wants to know more about its owner.

So I added an "About Me" page.

When I find a blog I like, I always want to know more about where and how he/she works.

So I added a "My Studio" page.

I also love finding tutorials written by all the great bloggers out there.

So I added a "Tutorials" page with direct links to the tutorials I have written.

I also added a "My Quilts" page, which is really more for me, to keep up with the quilts I finish each year.

My new year is off to a great start and I'm looking forward to lots of new quilting, new blogging, and new friends.


  1. I love the changes you have made to your blog. I enjoy seeing tutorials and quilts that others have made. I hope you have a happy new year can't wait to see all the new quilts you make and other things you have in store for your blogging friends.

  2. Good job. I really should add some of these ideas to my blog!!!!

  3. Thanks for telling us a bit more about you and I especially LOVE to see other peoples quilting/sewing/crafting rooms to give me ideas. I am curring working in a Disaster area!!!! My goal is to get more organized this year so I can be more productive. Thanks for sharing :)


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