
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Believe Circle Quilt Plans for September - Fire and Ice

It's my turn to choose our quilt design for the Believe Circle. I was inspired this month by a quilt I saw on Pinterest. 

It's going to be a fire and ice quilt this month.

I know I'm early, but my first granddaughter will be making her way into the world sometime around August 30, and I know as soon as that action starts, bee blocks will be far from my mind. So here they are, early.

I did not have any particular block in mind, so I drew a few simple ones out and had some fun.

Lately, every time I sit down to play with blocks, some sort of chevron design shows up. I rolled with it this time and let the neutrals take the stage with this block.

For the mixed block, I went for an improv fire.

And since there were already some strips cut from the second block, this third, very hot block was created.

Instructions for Believe Circle Members:

Make three 6 1/2" blocks this month. You may use any design you like... nine-patch, four-patch, stars, half square triangles, paper piecing, improv ...anything goes. 
One block should be neutrals, one block should be a mix of neutrals and "hot" colors, and one block should be all "hot" colors. You can use solids or prints. 
Have fun!


  1. I love it! Now to start scheming what Now l blocks to make...

  2. I love it! Now to start scheming what Now l blocks to make...

  3. I love it too! Can wait to design the blocks!

  4. I really like this quilt. How does one become involved with the Believe Circle group.

  5. Thank you for your comment. The Believe Circle is just one of many circles that are part of do. Good Stitches ( Each circle makes quilts for a designated charity. If you would like to become involved, go to the page and complete the interest form. When a circle has an opening, you will be contacted to fill the space. Each circle has ten members. It is a fun way to give and to get to know other quilters.


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