
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spell It With Moda - A Growing Project

I had to move this project to the wall this week. It outgrew the table once I started sewing the blocks into rows. Do you know what it says yet? I think some of you figured it out last week and the letters added this week help a lot. The additions are B, O, and W. To help see what it says, here it is in more hangman style:

B  ___  ___  I  ___  ___  E

T H  ___  R  E

I  S       ___  O  ___  ___

___  N       T H E

W  O  R  L  ___

These letters have been guessed and either there aren't any or all that are available have been guessed:
 H, R, S, T, M, B, W

The tutorial for the filler blocks is not up yet over at the Moda Bake Shop. All of the participating quilters will have posts for their filler blocks. The schedule is still being worked out and I will let you know when mine is up.

Let's take a closer look at the fabric used in this week's letters. The fabric collection is Flow by Zen Chic. It should be available at your local quilt shop or favorite online shop in March.

First we have a W.

W up close.

A blue O. I know I have said it in previous weeks, but I really like the colors in this fabric collection. They are so cheerful.

O up close.

And last for this week, letter B, which is one of those reversed letters with the color in the background.

And a close up of letter B, using my favorite print from the group.

Remember, if you'd like to make something of your own, the letters are available individually on Moda's Pinterest Board.

Or, if you want a quick resource with everything in one place, check out the Spell It With Fabric booklet available at many local quilt shops and online stores. I did a quick Google search and found some great resources for purchasing the booklet.

So... do you want to guess letters, or are you ready to solve the puzzle? I am up for either. Thanks to everyone who has played along. This has been lots of fun and helped me pace myself through this project.

Linking up with Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.


  1. The only other word with a second letter of O that I can think of is "poop." You seem too sophisticated for scatologically themed quilts, though, so I suppose I'll request a V instead. :)

    1. Ha! You can definitely have a V. You might be thinking about this a little bit too hard. I live with teenage boys so, well, you can just imagine that our topics of conversation include all sorts of unsophisticated things. That I most definitely won't be including in my quilts!

  2. How about a V? I think I kind of know what it says, it's just that first word has me stumped.

  3. What if I know the solution? When/how to submit it? Thanks

    1. You can leave your comment here, Kath. Thanks for playing.

  4. Believe there is love in the world--a wonderful belief!

    1. Yes,it is. For this quilt, substitute good for love and you've got it. Both are wonderful beliefs.

  5. Like the quilt so far and I also had the word BELIEVE.
    Can't wait to see it finished.

    Warm regards,

    1. Thank you, Marga. It has been a fun project to create.

  6. I'd like to try & solve this: Believe there is love in the world

  7. I think it is: Believe there is good in the world!


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