
Friday, February 5, 2016

Organizing Fabric: The Final Round

Over the past couple of years, I have been adding three drawer units to each of my fabric cubbies. Originally, each cube had haphazard stacks of fabric that would get messier and messier every time I would look through them. It was a lot easier on me and my budget to do one here and one there as the mood struck. This week, I completed the last of this project.

I saved the best for last. I called this my every color cube. If I had any doubt at all about what color a fabric should go with, it got tossed in the every color cube. The reason this one was so much fun to sort is that each fabric is distinctive enough for me to remember its story. Why it was originally purchased, what project(s) it was used for, etc. It was a good walk down quilting memory lane.

I spread it out on my cutting table as best I could. It was a very loose interpretation of light to the right and dark to the left.

There are some great pieces in there.

One of my favorite surprises is the amount of Amy Butler still on hand. There is enough for it to have its own drawer. That is exciting and may mean an Amy Butler scrap quilt might be happening soon.

Here's how it looks all organized in drawers. There is black with bright, traditional, Amy Butler, white with bright, 30s and floral, and stripes and novelty. Loosely organized of course. There is often room for interpretation.

Now I will be able to focus on the quilt making rather than get frustrated searching for a fabric. When I told my family I was finished with this project, they responded with a "yeah, right". And while I absolutely am finished with the three drawer units, there are those bins of scraps to deal with. Hmmm...

Linking up with Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Those scraps do tend to get rowdy quickly!

    1. Yes they do, and I tend to hang on to the tiniest of pieces. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Give yourself a pat on the back for getting this much done! It looks great! Now get back to sewing!!!

  3. This is awesome! I always have loved organizing... you have you scraps ready to be grabbed! Your studio looks awesome! Happy quilting!

    1. Thank you! It is nice to stop sewing from time to time to just spend time enjoying the space and the fabric and, well, everything.

  4. What a wonderful stash! I am green with envy of your storage system. I'm definitely taking notes. Those drawers work so well in the cubes!

    1. Thank you! It was a lucky match. A 12"x12" drawer unit fits perfectly in the cubes.

  5. What a great way to corral your stash! Congrats on a great job.

    1. Thank you! I've tried lots of different ways over the years. It gets a little better with each improvement.


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