
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Time To Sew And A Time To Clean

I know some of you will look at this and think that it is hardly a mess at all. We creatives have all sorts of work styles and I totally get it if you work best that way. Me. I can't handle it. It's to the point where I can't do a thing without having to move something out of the way.

It starts suffocating me when it is like this. It just means it is time to take a breath and do a little tidying up.

I knew it was time when I went to find some black with white prints for this months bee blocks. It took forever and lots of frustration to dig out something that would work.

The brown and cream cubby is even worse. Bleh.

To the rescue, drawers that fit perfectly in each cubby. I started using these a year or two ago. I would buy one or two a month and do a little along. It has been a while since I added any. Now I can find my black with white fabric with ease.

The first set of cubbies looks sooo much better. Every now and then I get lazy and shove fabric on top of the drawer units rather than putting it back where it came from. All of that has been cleaned up, too. Only bigger yardage is allowed to sit on top of the drawer sets.

There's still this set of cubbies to deal with. Today, we'll take the small victory. The room is clean enough for me to breathe now, which means it is time to get back to sewing.

We'll just keep our eyes on this part of the room for now, okay?


  1. The organizing bug must have bit me too, for I have gone through *everything* in my sewing room, from WIPS to yardage to scraps, & ruthlessly purged! I cleaned out enough stuff that our craft supplies are now within easy reach (which will hopefully encourage more crafting!) & it's a pleasure to walk into my sewing room now. It feels so good!! Needless to say, I have no excuse or reason to buy anymore fabric! In fact, that's my goal this year: to sew exclusively from what I already have.

    1. Love the sound of that Jennifer! I need to do a bit more "ruthless purging" in my space, too.


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