
Friday, November 6, 2015

Garden Fence Memory Quilt Finish

This is the third quilt I have made using the Garden Fence quilt block and the second quilt that uses clothing for the blocks. It has been washed and is crinkled up in that old fashioned cozy kind of way. The binding on this quilt is my favorite part. It is scrappy from the same shirts that the blocks were made.

It has been raining and raining here so between the rain and the time change, some of these pictures are a little dark. I did not want to wait. This quilt is a special commission quilt and I want to put it in the hands of its owner as soon as possible.

Here it is from the back. I always have to include a little something extra on the back and there were a few extra blocks that fit just right.

The color is off in this picture but it shows the simple quilting. There are two lines of quilting on all of the sashing and then there are diagonal lines in both directions across the blocks.

There are eighteen different shirts in this quilt. Most of the shirts appears twice as a block center and twice in the outer square of the block.


The quilt owner designed a label for the back. This quilt is in memory of her husband. When I was telling her that she could have a label and it could say anything she wanted it to say and could even include a picture, she got really excited. "This is going to be like getting one last gift from him."

I was asked to make three quilts from this set of shirts. I made this quilt first to make sure there would be enough fabric for more quilts. The second and third quilts will be different designs. He has two daughters and they will each receive a quilt as well.

There is a lot of joy in helping someone preserve the memories of a loved one. I look forward to sharing this first finish with her tomorrow.

Other posts about memory quilts:
A Memory Quilt: Deciding on a Design
Garden Fence Quilt Beginnings
Garden Fence Memory Quilt: Finished

Linking up with Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. That is the PERFECT pattern for those fabrics. I know that the recipients will be enjoy many happy hours remembering their Dad and Father!!!

  2. Hello! I just found your blog and this post. It couldn't have come at a better time for me creatively - I've got about 10 shirts from a dear friends husband that I am trying to make into 3 quilts - 1 for her and one for each child - a son and daughter. I have know this man since I was 11 and I'm really trying to put my soul into making a beautiful memory quilt for each person. I think I can make a garden fence block for one quilt, I've got a spiderweb type design in the works for another and the 3rd is also started with some various rows of blocks with some beautiful blue peppered cotton I am planning on using between the rows to get to a good size. I've had to add some of my own fabrics - since what I got from the shirts was NOT a very good range of fabrics if you know what I mean. LOL - He was a rather conservative dresser and I don't have much to choose from.
    Would you be willing to share some measurements on you block? I would be so appreciative can email me at plk0429 at gmail dot com. My name is Pamela - thank you so much. Also, is there any particular "rule" about adding your own fabrics to really make the quilt shine?


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