
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quilting for Others

For a while now, I have admired the work of do. Good Stitches {a Charity Bee}. This large and very talented group makes quilts for a wide range of charitable organizations. They have several of participation levels and I knew that I wanted to become part of this group. My life is hectic and full and physically attending meetings and functions for quilting just isn't possible for me right now. I am so thankful for the many virtual opportunities to share and participate. It's the perfect way to learn, share, and feel like part of a community.

About a month ago, I was invited to join the Believe circle of the do. Good Stitches group. When I submitted an application, I told them that I didn't have a preference for the charity I supported, but things have a way of working out as they should. The Believe circle makes quilts to benefit children in the US foster care system through an organization called My Very Own Blanket. If forced to choose, I'm fairly certain this is the very organization I would have chosen.

So, the way it works is that for two months of the year, I will be the assigned quilter, which means I get to choose the pattern, share the instructions, collect blocks from everyone, and finish the quilt. For the other months, I will be a stitcher, making two blocks to contribute to another quilter's project. There are ten members in each circle. April is my first month participating, and I'm a stitcher this month. The assignment is scrappy trip around the world blocks using red, yellow, blue, and neutrals. No flowers allowed so that this quilt can be used for a boy. I was happy to throw in some frogs for the occasion. I'll be shipping these blocks off this week.

May is my month to be a quilter, so being new and all, I was anxious to go ahead and figure out my plan. As soon as I saw the first block for the Sew, Mama, Sew BOM2, I knew it was what I wanted to do.

However, the block is a huge 24.5" and generally, the blocks made for do. Good Stitches are 12.5". It only took a little bit of math to resize the block for this project. My rules are bright colors, more cool colors than warm, and a light, low volume fabric for the background.

I'll be sending out instructions to my circle members near the end of the month. The level of commitment for this group is just about right for me. I love having the expectations set well in advance and the challenge of being asked to make things that may be a bit outside my comfort zone. And all of it will result in a little something special for a child in need.

Thank you do. Good Stitches for inviting me to be a part of your organization. I look forward to expanding my horizons with this group. Look for an update on our finished quilts in a couple of months.

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