
Friday, August 17, 2012

A Handy Assistant

Now that school has started, our family is getting back into a more regular routine. My 11-year-old started middle school this year and, since middle school starts later in the morning, he and I have about twenty extra minutes together each morning. Last weekend, I sorted fabric groups to finish up my New York Beauty blocks. At that time I had finished 23 out of forty blocks for the quilt top.
He asked if he could help so I put him in charge of deciding which fabric group would be sewn next. It's been great. He selects the fabric, I decide the color placement within the block, and usually get all the parts cut before he leaves for school and I go to work.
In the evening, I sew and press the block, get approval from my assistant and add it to the design wall. I've managed a block a day with his help. So, as of today, there are 28 finished blocks and 12 to go. Here's our progress for the week.
Everyone needs a handy assistant. I sure am enjoying mine.

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