
Monday, June 11, 2012

Patchwork Prism Finished

My first big finish for the year! I am so pleased with the way this quilt turned out. It's one of those quilts where I just had to go with the process. There were certainly times where I thought, "I don't know about this," and I'm glad I didn't hesitate.

This quilt was made "charm" style, meaning there are no fabric repeats in the quilt. It is also made entirely from my stash. The only purchase for this quilt was for the batting. For the quilting, I wanted to accent the fabric without taking away from it so I went with simple quilting 1/4" away from each seam. It's been a while since I quilted something this large so I added extra support around my sewing machine to hold the weight.

The ironing board was lowered to the same height as the sewing machine, and a folding table was set up behind the sewing machine cabinet. It worked great. This really helped the quilt move smoothly through the machine without a lot of pulling and tugging.

I had a few large triangles leftover that didn't make it to the front of the quilt. They worked nicely into the backing which kept them from going to the scrap bin and added some interest to the back of the quilt.

The fabric on the back is a Kona solid. I don't have the exact color name, but I've been calling it cranberry. I also used it for the binding. Here's a close up of some of the quilting as seen from the back.

And here's the finished front.

This quilt was made as part of the Patchwork Prism Quilt Along. The deadline to finish is this month and there are some great prizes for winning participants. That gave me just the motivation to get this one done on schedule.

There are lots of beautiful quilts being finished with this quilt along. Some have used all solids, some have changed the color placement, and there's even one being made in neutrals. I always love seeing how the same pattern can turn out so many different ways. You can check out all the quilts that have been posted by going to the Flickr group.


  1. So beautiful! Know you are so proud of the finished product as well you should be! Looks really hard ... And I would need your help choosing all the fabrics...guess I will wait a while before tackling such a massive undertaking and just enjoy looking at yours on your blog.

  2. Great quilt Deborah!! And congratulations for only using stash fabric!!!

  3. If this quilt goes missing around the time that I move out, don't be too surprised . . . Unless you win a sewing machine for me that is! :) Love, Your sticky fingered daughter.

  4. Gorgeous! This makes me want more Kaffes. That hot pink print with the swirl is especially amazing.

  5. This turned out great! I love what you did with the backing. Totally digging the pink Kona! Your setup and nice little Janome looks great too :)


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