
Monday, March 26, 2012

If You Want a Clean House, Invite Someone Over

My home stays in a fairly decent state of cleanliness, thanks more to my husband than to me. However, when it's time for more of a deep cleaning, you know, like blinds cleaned and cushions vacuumed and all those extras that make for an over the top clean house, invite someone over. We did just that this weekend. The sheriff in our town is up for election this year and we hosted a meet and greet for one of the candidates, Trey Downs. It was great fun and I hope got the word out in our neighborhood that there would be more than one choice on the ballot.

My youngest son was excited about meeting Trey. At supper later in the evening, he told us "Trey Downs shook my hand TWICE." Gotta love his enthusiasm.

Here I am with my daughter Erica, Trey's mom Holley, and Trey's wife, Gaby. It was a beautiful day so we enjoyed being inside and outside. If you're a local, you can learn more about Trey by visiting his web site,

The busy weekend does not mean that my sewing machine sat idle. Here's a pillow I made to go with the cedar chest I covered a while back.

The Tilly scraps I had weren't long enough to extend the curved piecing along the entire length of the pillow. I added a piece of the focus fabric with a contrasting strip to finish out the length. It was fun to play with some curved piecing for this project.

There's still a quilt to go for this room and I got it layered up and ready to quilt this week. The other project that received a little bit of attention is the New York Beauty quilt along. I finished one block and almost another.

The new week went up today so that means I need to make nine blocks this week to catch up. And catching up isn't my biggest priority. Participating is my goal so as long as I get something done each week, I'm happy. The encouragement of this quilt along will see this project through.

This week should be much more relaxed as there are no major commitments on the horizon. That should mean lots of good sewing time. I'm looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Don't we have good-looking and sweet boys?! Everything was great! Loved your studio and your new blocks, quilts, etc. Can't wait to get the next BOM block!


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