
Friday, September 23, 2011

Photo Shoot

You just never know what is going to happen next at Dragonfly Quilt Shop. One evening this week, photojournalism student Kimberly Parks spent some time taking pictures of me at the shop. She is a good friend of my daughter and needed subject matter for an environmental photo assignment. I didn't understand exactly what that meant but learned that she needed a photo of a professional person doing what they do best.

I hate, hate, hate having my picture taken, but I know this is something I just need to get over and hey, I'll do just about anything to help advance the education and career of an up and coming photojournalist. And I also keep getting asked to make YouTube videos for stuff at the shop so there's another reason to just do it. Yep, it won't be long before you can see me in awkward poses not only in still photos but videos, too! Life just keeps getting better.

One reason Kimberly wanted to use me for her subject is that she had a new flash for her camera that she was not familiar with and thought it best to fumble around with someone she sort of knew rather than with a total stranger. Let me just say that she caught on to that flash pretty quickly. I was impressed.

After walking around the shop a bit and talking to me about what I do, she decided to set me up at the cutting table. My only job was to act like I was cutting fabric and look directly into the camera.

She proceeded to take pictures from all positions and angles while trying the flash at all different angles and exposures. I just stood there and looked into the camera. We had to reposition a few things to get the shot the way she liked it, too. And I just stood there. Modeling is definitely not in my future. I know you were all wondering about that.

After we finished with her assignment, she offered to take some head shots of me so, you know, when I become famous, they'll be right there ready for publication. Here are the final results:

Thank you, Kimberly, for taking great photos and pushing this camera shy girl into the spotlight for a bit.


  1. You look amazing! So photogenic! :)

  2. Great photos.....and never say never. Who knows what lies in your future!!!!


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