
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Movie Night

Once a year, our community sponsors a movie on the lawn night at one of our local parks. This is our second year attending. The fun started at 6pm with games, a moon walk, and big slide. There were food vendors, too. The weather threatened rain all day but by the time the event started, the skies were clearing. We packed a picnic for the festivities so we had good food and good temperatures for the daylight hours.

It's becoming a rare thing for us to do something like this with the entire family in attendance, and I was very happy we were able to be together for an evening. Here's me and the hubby (in a totally unplanned pose):

the oldest and the youngest,

the oldest son and his girlfriend,

and the two youngest in a semi-pose that I caught between their wrestling rounds.

After the sun went down, the temperature dropped quickly. We had jackets but still had to snuggle to keep warm. The movie was Despicable Me. It just gets an "okay" rating from me, which is fine since I was going much more for the family time anyway.

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